Tag Archives: new

Handmade- from metal to statements

15 Mar






These pieces started off as simple metal and now they have been transformed into statement pieces! Completely customizable! Let me know in comments if you’d like one, I can set up a shop for you, discount if you’re the first to post!


14 Mar


Check out these beauty!  Easy peasy lemon squeezy coasters for my grandma’s bday!

Variations of the same dark choice.

31 Mar


Pour me a line


He dips inside


Laughing away


Shutting the door


The ground’s getting closer


Close to my face


Isn’t it great?


The next day:


Bloodshot eyes Feeling so dizzy


Mom’s coming in, feeling uneasy.


Feeling remorse. Cant wait for more.

Crooks, lions and bears.

29 Mar

Video Vixen

Samurai sword

Its all relative terms to

The voices we know

It’s a conspiracy


Relative image


Once the media gets hold

All voices are one

Conspiracies gone

We just listen in awe

Once the spaces are known

They can control us

The can use us

And do.

Its all very subjective

Politics lie

Its all very impressive

How their words seem to glide

Fresh off the press

Stamped into books

Engraved in our heads

And off goes the crook.

this space is white

26 Mar

Dear forever white space

I like the way that you speak my name

Its soft and angelic

With hanging white chocolate

Ready to taste

Forever, empty white space

Do tell me the stories in vain

Do lend me the secrets

Forever you hold

Do tell me my dear

The stories you’re told

Its funny, forever white space

How galaxies sway

Its funny to see

The spaces between

And in those humanistic relationships

The rarest of all

Its funny to see

The things that withhold

And yet even better it is

To see the ones that do break

Why is it so

Forever white space?

I cannot fathom the spaces of color

Those reds are so bold

The blues yonder and somber

The  eyes of the green

Glare straight back at me

And don’t let me see

The purplish sins

But sometimes I see

A white space collide

And from such audacities

Rainbows arise

If only for a little while

If only to quickly subside.

Let me tell you about him.

18 Mar

Dear Diary

Its been quite a while

Since I’ve written things down

But last time I had not much to say

And now I’ve got quite a bit!

I have met somebody new

[although this should be no real news to you]

He’s as sweet as can be

Someone whose story is true

He laughs at my jokes, smiles when I pout

He looks into me deeply, and prevents my frowns

Our days have been filled

With glorious endeavors

From kisses and stars to afternoons in the park,

chocolate is no need, to me he’s much sweeter.

His family is amazing

We have plans in two days

I admit his mom sometimes scares me

But I love her either way

He’s an animal Lover

And puts me first

He’s all I’ve ever wanted

I cant ask for more.

Oh Diary if you could just see

The way he looks at me

The way that I smile

His touch goes for miles.

If there is a god I am grateful

For putting him in my way

If there are spirits hear my thank you

For letting me stray

If it’s a Buddha I seek

You have definitely enlightened me

And if in fact its Allah

Then you must know I’m in complete awe.

He’s exciting and selfless

Sexy and sensible.

He’s 26 but practically ageless

The one who makes life oh so tolerable.

He fills me with sunshine

Brings me soup if I’m sick

He’s the type that would cross America

If it meant one more kiss.

We see each other daily

Yet it is not enough

Dear diary I am simply saying

He’s gotta be the one.

My Mirrored Delight

11 Mar

Disclaimer: if you decide to use MY poem for your blog, then i do need you to ask for my approval and link my blog along with it. This is mine and although i post it it doesn’t mean you can plagiarize and post it too.

You are the mirror , I am the light

Glue holds us together

And on your surface

I shine

You say forever

I say I might

You kiss my cheek, savor.

And I say alright.

You hold me tightly

The breeze blows outside

I say I love you

And you whisper “so do I”

Feeling secure is something so rare

It’s the kind of thing that you feel

It that kind of thing that we share

And if roles were reversed

The mirror being me

Then I would find some way

To hold the light that you bring.

Time’s a’wasting.

9 Mar

Time is definitely , wasting away, and i haven’t had any inspiration lately. Maybe I’ve been feeling a bit stressed. School is beating me down pretty badly, i just want to do well and just get everything done and over with since i have incentive now :). i am of course talking about my wonderful bf.  He’s the bestest. Yesterday he brought me soupy and some halls, the GOOD kind, not the kind you just randomly see and pick up fast to get it outta the way, no sireee. He got me the strawberry flavor [which is awesome] and the defense one with vitamin C. Whohoo. I’m eating a strawberry one right now. its the best i gotta say. He’s the best too, he really is. Today he was feeling really tired at work and i felt so guilty because he came over yesterday and took care of me because if that stupidly persistent sore throat i keep having and so i felt relived, and so happy he was here, its just that i know after a long day of work all one really wants to do is chillax. plus he works so hard. So today he was telling me how tired he was and i told him how i was sorry about it and maybe he should start by getting to sleep earlier and stuff and he said “maybe i just need to wake up next to you” lol. its a silly sentance but it comepletely made me smile because he is so sweet. i knwo he means it in everyway , but i know also that he half means it.

We are so undeniably cute. i don’t mean to be judgmental because after all he is MY boyfriend, i gotta think he’s cute no? well one would hope anyways, so my reason for thinking he’s the cutest thing in the world is that the other day we were talking about out baby [the kindle] and how we’re gonna start doing sleepovers where sometimes he takes it and soemtimes its with me, but i mean its just adorable how we do things like that, where we share stuff. And how he really wants to get an Element [the car] so that we can be more adventurous and go biking and hiking and what not. but the best thing about him is how devoted he is. He’s gotta be one of the few men out there who is the “good” kind. I remember thinking this when we had met and i saw him always going through so much trouble for his previous gf, wayyyy before i had a bf, and so he would always do cute things for her and my boss, natalie which always left me outta the pic. Not intentionally he jsut didnt know me very well and for about a year we observed each other from afar, and then somehow, we met.

its funny how things happen, i mean it was a fateful that it so happen to be that day Natalie wasn’t there, and i came to work and he had to help, then we went on to mildly flirt, and how i remember those moments when i was near him, how nervous i would get even though he had a girl friend and i was not single one bit. but did we care? love sure didn’t. and now look at us, almost half a year since that fateful event. And i still cant believe how much he makes my day. its almost like he’s the mirror and I’m the light, he can always have me there in the reflection.

and where would i be without his support and kindness towards my poems? he absolutely loves them and encourages me.

which brings me to a point, i do not mind if you want to take a poem of mine to post on your blog, i just ask you name me as the author, linking my blog and you inform me about it. its common courtesy and i am the author and just because i post it publicly it doesn’t not mean you can.



There is no cloud, like cloud Nine.

22 Feb


I was young and wondering about

Looking at all the around

I looked up at the sky

As night came about


As they passed by

I vaguely remember clouds one and two

They were fun to look at, fluffy and cute

But I remember little, they did not fill a whole page in my book.


Clouds three and four

Had a bit more

It was a few pages of stories

Of sick puppy love


Then came cloud five

Stormed right inside!

It was fun while it lasted

But it was too blind.


Then with cloud six

There was ease

The moments always a breeze

It was sad that it had to be so brief.


Cloud seven was my lucky number

I thought, as teens often convey.

The bigger the cloud, the better the rain

But who wants such rain on a sunny day?


Cloud Eight was supposed to be it

No more after that

I had seen so many clouds

That I had a headache in fact.


But then there was you

You stole me away

And let no other clouds

Stand in your way


My dear you are my cloud nine

And there I sit inside

I need not to look any longer at the night time sky

For all the stars that I need, are right in your eyes.

the new meaning of love

16 Feb


L is not for the way that you look at me

Although it is nice

I prefer to match L to

Our lovely nights.

O is not for the only one I see

Although it is you

I prefer to say that O stands for

The opaque in my life you have lifted away

V is very Extra ordinary

However in my book

I prefer to think of it as the

Valleys that still stand in our way

E is even more than anyone that you adore

But I rather find

That E is for all the Evenings of which you

Have been by my side.